το πρώτο post σε αυτό το δικό μου blogspot για το τι χρειάζεται να κανείς για να βγάλεις κάποια φράγκα από το internet πράγμα πολύ πολύ δύσκολο εάν δεν πουλάς κάτι!!! Γι αυτό εαν θέλεις πραγματικά χρήματα φτιάξε κάτι και πουλά το αλλιώς τελειοποίησε τις εδώ τεχνικές και εάν βγάλεις κάτι πες το και σε εμένα διότι έχω τρία παιδιά και ακόμα με το internet παίζω ….
Κυριακή 11 Σεπτεμβρίου 2011
Chapter 2 - Creating A Product
Before you write your sales letter or design your web site you should have a product/service idea. You don’t need to create it before you write your sales letter, you just need to know what you’re going to write about.
There are hundreds of ways to create a product, here are a few of my favorite ways.
1. Create a product about something you love to do.
2. Create a product that solves someone’s problem based on research and what questions people want answers to or what problems they want solved.
3. Make an existing product better.
4. Make an unknown product known.
Creating a product about something you love to do will be the most enjoyable. You will get to write about something you know, love and will make money by being the “expert.” This product will most likely be the easiest for you to make since you already have knowledge of it or enjoy learning about it.
Creating a product using research to write the product will take longer than most of the other ways, however if you get the right topic you can make a massive amount of cash very quickly.
Make an existing product better is one of the fastest ways to create your product. You are basing it on what is already out there, so you can gather all of your competitions products and see what’s lacking. Add a USP and start making money.
Make an unknown product known is a great way to start making money. You will need to know how to market the product effectively (as you will anyway) but once you can do this, you can make a ton of money.
It’s very important no matter which route above you take that you have done or researched the information enough to be an “expert” on
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it. Don’t start by writing a product about making money if you’re not. That would be like saying you know nothing about cars but are pretending to be a mechanic and trying to get a job at a Honda dealer. It won’t happen!
There are plenty of other places to make money besides “marketing” and telling others how to make money. In fact “Internet Marketing” is down the list around number 10 when you look at searches performed on the internet, Travel being #1. So if you know some travel tricks (taking bumps, etc…) you could write an ebook “How To Get FREE Airline tickets!”
It doesn’t have to be long either; an ebook can be 10 pages and still sell for $14.95. Since you’re selling specialty information.
Remember too, the money isn’t in the front-end. Your initial product could be $14.95 but it could and should lead to related products on the same topic but not competing. This way one sale can turn into 10 sales (or one large sale) from the same person.
I have customers that buy $300-400 worth of my products, either the same day or throughout the next week.
Now, some think it’s all a scam and that people just sell you more stuff to make more money. While making money is important, it’s more important to sell quality information and only recommend products that have actually helped you.
There is no “Everything about everything” ebook that can show everyone how to do what they want, that’s why they are broken down into products.
Which leads me to… Your product needs to be targeted! Don’t make it a broad product that does everything. Don’t try to sell everything to anyone. Sell something to someone.
This is the first mistake I see a lot of people making, they just don’t know any better. If you’re writing about music, write about “How to Copyright your own music” then backend that with “How to get gigs”.
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Unless you can write a product that’s 2,000 pages and can really deliver all the information, it’s not going to work. (and you would most likely need to charge A LOT for it…)
As I said before your backend is where the money is made. That’s why you need to follow-up with customers. Give them more information on what they enjoy reading about and they will continue to buy from you, forever!
I know a lot of people with shelves and shelves of books, do you think they all said “Man, I got so scammed, I had to buy all these books.”
I have about 10 psychology books alone. Why? Different views, different perspectives, different people, new ideas, different ideas, and I love it!
If you still can’t think of a product idea I go more in-depth on this topic in “The Complete Guide To Internet Marketing” which can be found at:
Jeff Gardner also has a fantastic ebook dedicated to creating products in 60 seconds or less which can be found at:
In my new guide “The Complete Guide To Internet Marketing” I’ll give you tons of killer examples and ideas on how to create the most irresistible products from your own or someone elses ideas!
Check it out today at:
Steve’s gone one step beyond offering web hosting, he’s actually devised a lucrative opportunity that will PAY YOU to host your website (with just a few referrals you can have free hosting for years!)
It’s called CASHCulture, and while I’m not big in MLM, I do know that this is a TRUE program unlike many other MLM’s. You get a real web hosting account. That’s what the program is based on, so you can start your business or expand your existing one.
So this is an actual MLM with a “product”. You can learn more about cashculture at:
If you prefer to just get webhosting from Refhost without the MLM part (it’s almost the same price, that’s why I would go with the MLM version). At:
Other Web Hosts:
Host4Profit: http://www.host4profit.com/cgi-bin/home.cgi?33340
ICD Hosting: http://hop.clickbank.net/?adventmicr.icdsoft
Host Rocket: http://www.qksrv.net/click-974585-1485213
Autoresponders: You have a lot of choices when choosing an Autoresponder, there’s a lot of competition.
You can either run your own on your web server or use a 3rd parties.
If you want to use a 3rd parties I recommend you get a FREE one from FREEAutobot:
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They have a great system with absolutely NO ADS in your responder! I can’t find any other FREE system like this, especially with all the features and no advertising.
You can also pay for one and here are a few good ones:
Getresponse: http://www.getresponse.com/index/43357
Aweber: http://www.aweber.com/?linkhere
If you want to run your own on your server, make sure you can do CRON jobs and that your server can handle the load of running an Autoresponder. When the system sends out email it takes up a lot of system resources, some hosts may shut the process down. You will need a higher cost host to do this.
I run mine on Host4Profit with over 30,000 emails a day going out.
Host4Profit: http://www.host4profit.com/cgi-bin/home.cgi?33340
With the Autoresponse Plus system, you can have unlimited responders which, when compared to 3rd party services will save you hundreds a month if you have many responders (I’ve got 25 and if I were to buy a service for this it would cost me 25 x $19.95 a month… that’s a lot more than I want to spend…)
Autoresponse Plus can be found at: http://www.adventmicro.com/ar
If you’re going to order you can save money as Neil has given me a very special discount code for you:
1. Go to http://www.adventmicro.com/ar
2. Click Order
3. Click on the radio tab next to special product code and type in MFPROMO32 This is a $20 discount off of the - Single
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Domain Owned License (option 2). You will instantly get $20 off and a free copy of Opt-in Automater ($37 value)
You DO need a responder no matter if you are giving something away or selling it. You will need to build a list of leads that you can sell later, and sell forever. It’s 10 times easier to sell someone who’s either already bought from you or is enjoying the free information you’re giving them than it is through a sales letter.
There is the 80/20 rule. 20% of your customers will make you 80% of your money. This shows that following-up is extremely important to your sales (before and after).
If you’re interested in learning specifically about creating, sequencing, learning more about Autoresponders and writing great courses I’ve written an ebook about it which can be found at:
1. Use double opt-in
2. Don’t use a form to get opt-in signups, use an ok/cancel box style so it signs them up right from their mail program
Use Double Opt-in: This simply means when someone subscribes to your newsletter or mailing list it will send them an email to the address they specified at signup that says “Please verify you requested our newsletter by clicking the link below” Since they must click the link to receive anymore messages, you now have “proof” that the person requested it.
This is proof enough to the spam places that people file complaints with, the problem is, your host might not give a crap and just drop you!
I’ve had this happen before. Someone signed up for my autoresponder and used spam trap email address, I had double opt-in off, and my host just dropped me, without warning. I still to this day NEVER got a Spam ID to dispute the complaint.
The problem was, my host didn’t care because it hurt them for 3 days (the spam complaint). Even though I followed all the rules. See, if someone files a false spam complaint they can be fined $5,000, so it’s very rare that this happens, but even if you do have a valid argument your host most likely cares more about their profits than yours.
That’s why I always recommend “RefHost” I’ve known Steve Lueng for a while and every time I’ve had a complaint we work it out. Now, my problems are more than some because I run membership sites that people advertise their affiliate link. Some unknowing affiliates who don’t know any better will buy mailing lists etc. And I get the complaint because my domain is in the email.
As long as I delete their account we have no problems. I’ve had hosts in the past that don’t bother telling you or working with you and
Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/refer/pal=5FKLMGB52UYFN
You should also be aware that Clickbank has a built in affiliate program. Once you get your account you can have affiliates working for you and Clickbank takes care of writing checks and commission. They have a one of a kind system and their customer service is fantastic.
Web Hosting: Choosing a Web Host could possibly be the biggest decision you make for your business. If no one can get to your website, you can’t make money!
I’ve had my fair share of hosts. I’ve used over 20 web hosts since I started. The two main problems I continue to find with most hosts are…
1. They are down too much. No one can get to your web site.
2. They care more about making money than working with you if there’s a problem.
I never spam. NEVER. But, I’ve lost a few web hosting accounts for false spam accusations. Sometimes people forget they signed up for your responder, sometimes someone doesn’t like you so they signup under a known email account called a “spam trap” account. This means that the only point of the email address is to report spam.
Newsgroups have them, yahoo has at least one I know of called newsgroupspamtrap@yahoo.com
Someone signs up for your responder using this email and you lose your responder account or worse yet if you run your own autoresponder you lose your hosting.
Dreamweaver: http://www.macromedia.com
FrontPage: http://www.microsoft.com/frontpage/
For basic use all files are saved with extensions .htm or .html this is simply so the web server knows how to interpret these files.
Depending on your web host your main page will be index.html, index.htm or main.html. Usually its index.html, this is standard across most web servers. Of course your web host will tell you which one you need to use.
FTP Program: An FTP program is required so you can upload the files you made with your HTML editor to your web host.
CuteFTP: http://www.cuteftp.com/
WS_FTP: http://www.ipswitch.com/
These are pretty much the standard graphical FTP programs. Of course your Operating system has one included, which is command line. I’ll assume you want to keep this simple so stick with one of the above programs.
In your FTP program you simply make a “new connection” Your webhost will give you the IP address which is in the following format x.x.x.x or a name, ftp.webhost.com. This is how your computer knows who to talk with on the Internet.
You will also get a username and password, which you enter so the server knows who you are and what files to show you.
Merchant Account (ways to accept payment): If you want to make money you’ll need to accept Credit Cards. Most merchant accounts let you accept check and credit cards. If you’re tight on cash you can use a payment system like Paypal, but I recommend that you accept credit cards and checks directly. Accepting payments like Paypal are fine as secondary methods of payments, but don’t use them as your only method.
Why not? Look at any website that’s making real money and you will see they accept credit cards directly. Don’t add the “I’m cheap and don’t make money” image by limiting how you accept payments.
I was very surprised once I started making money how many people still don’t trust online ordering. They either called me and ordered over the phone or sent in an order form.
If you can take phone orders, DO IT you will be surprised how many people want to use this method. This also goes for mail in orders. Mail in orders accomplishes two things.
1. You need to put an address for them to send payment to, which
adds credibility.
2. More people than you think will use this method!
Here are a few places that will let you sell digital goods and let you accept credit cards and online checks (like ebooks and other intangibles).
Clickbank: http://zzz.clickbank.net/r/?adventmicr
2checkout: http://www.2checkout.com/cgi-bin/aff.2c?affid=22014
Alternative Payment Methods.
e-gold: http://www.e-gold.com/e-gold.asp?cid=534253
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Chapter 1 – Tools You Need To Make Money Online
I’m about to tell you the basic tools you will need to get a website up and operating, ready to make money.
Before we begin you should know a few things. We will be focusing on Direct Sales websites. This means the visitor has 3 choices.
BUY, LEAD or LEAVE. Why is this method the best/easiest/most profitable?
1. With good sales copy you can sell 1:10 visitors.
2. Even if they don’t buy you can get their information to sell them at a later time or sell them something else.
3. It’s the easiest, cheapest website to setup.
If you want to waste your time creating a website with 1000 links go ahead, before you do you better make sure it’s targeted and on topic, then 10 months later when it’s still not finished and no one knows where to find the information they want and you didn’t make any money you can come back and re-read this report.
We’re talking about a website that will take 1 or 2 days to complete, is specifically targeted to a niche and will make the sale if done correctly with a very high conversion rate.
The Basic Tools
HTML editor: An HTML editor will allow you to create web pages. These editors have come along way and are very easy to use. If you can type you can use one of these editors to create a sales letter website.
There is a great free one I would recommend you start with at:
Table Of Contents
Chapter 1 – Tools You Need To Make Money Online
Chapter 2 - Creating A Product
Chapter 3 - Basic Website Design
Chapter 4 – Writing Your Sales Letter
Chapter 5 – Packaging Your Products
Chapter 6 – Distributing Your Product
Chapter 7 – What Advertising Doesn’t Work?
Chapter 8 – What Advertising Does Work?